
<<reliance, confidence>>

We can confidently depend on God’s unfailing love for us – it provides security and peace knowing He is in control of our lives (Rom 8:38,39; Phil 1:6; 2 Tim 1:12).  Faith is dependence on Christ – for salvation and in prayer as we make our requests known, asking Him to intervene in our situation, as well as relying on His enabling and ability in our daily lives. The essence of prayer is acknowledging God's power, promises and provision as we submit to His will be outworked in and through us (Lk 22:42).

Jesus in His humanity said, “I can of my own self do nothing…I have come to do the Father’s will…My teaching is not my own. It comes from Him who sent me” (Jn 5:19,30, 6:38, 7:16). He had a close dependency on the Father – the divine source of the miraculous power manifest through Him. We also must recognise our limitations, that we can't do anything of eternal worth without Him. Yet conversely declaring, “I can do all things [that He asks of me] through Christ who strengthens me” (2 Cor 1:9; Phil 4:13). This however does not negate our obligation to co-operate with Him to bring about His purposes.

Our salvation is 100% of God – all we did was repent of our sin and receive His offer (Jn 1:12; Eph 2:8,9). Dependence does not infer weakness or defeat but is an acknowledgement God is our source of help and truth as we live in vital relationship with Him. Paul, when he was not delivered of his thorn in the flesh saw the weakness in his body as a means whereby he could be stronger in the grace and

In humility and confidence rely on God’s enabling

power of God (2 Cor 12:10). Problems and the trying situations of life should strengthen our relationship with God rather than drive us away from Him.  “My help comes from the Lord” is a confident testimony (Ps 121:2). “I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation…you will answer” (Ps 5:3, 38:15; Phil 4:6). Humility is expressed in being fully dependent on God. ‘I need you Lord’ as it not in me to direct my steps (1 Chr 4:10; Jer 10:23). It’s only as we relate continuously with Him, like branches drawing from the vine, that lasting fruit can result (Jn 15:4,5,16). The Bible states it is better to rely on the Lord than put our confidence in human ability (2 Chr 32:8; Isa 31:1).

Living by faith is dependency on God. It is attempting what will result in guaranteed failure unless God intervenes. This is not presumption; rather it is understanding His will as instructed by the Bible and by the prompting of the Holy Spirit, then obediently doing what He requires of us. It involves being living sacrifices, cleansed from sin, dedicated to God and doing what is right while laying down our personal

Being dependent on God is the safest place to be

rights and taking up our cross (Lk 9:23; Rom 12:1). Our confidence and trust is to be in God's ability rather than our misguided arrogant self-sufficiency that relies on human effort and ingenuity and not that of the Holy Spirit through prayer and obedience.

With our fellow man, there should be a healthy balance between independence (not expecting others do what is our responsibility), and dependence by enlisting other people to help us. It is through interdependency, as people mutually reciprocate and enhance the strengths of others, that each becomes stronger and whole with a greater outworking because of our co-operation. Relying on others through connection and serving is the ideal and beneficial way to develop interdependence in society, church and family as each person does their part to the best of their ability, rather than getting by with the minimum of effort and input (1 Cor 12:14-30). Stubborn independence is not right.

We are to be our “brother’s keeper” mutually supporting one another in prayer, and where appropriate ministering to their needs, protecting and encouraging in the love of Christ – we need their help as they also need our assistance (Gen 4:9; Gal 6:2). Through interaction with integrity, accountability and faithfulness we should be able to depend on others as they also depend on us. Lazy people, like leaches, can suck the life out of those around them through a dependency culture – expecting others to do for them what they are capable of, and should be doing for themselves.

Many people when under stress, lacking self-esteem or to avoid the problems of life turn to unhealthy and non-beneficial coping mechanisms and become dependent on them. Although such 'escape tactics' may give

Don't be dependent on what is not right

temporary relief, they make things worse in the long term. Being under the control of drink, drugs, or other vices to get through life is contrary to God's way. Other coping techniques include, over eating, sleeping too much, overspending, talking continually about your problems, or avoiding the issues. We must keep things in perspective for there are no insurmountable problems that with God we can't come through victorious. At all times we need to be attuned to God and have an expectation of His involvement in helping us to be overcomers.

Co-dependency is when one person has an addiction (eg. alcohol or gambling) and another person is dependent on them in an unhealthy (negative) psychological way. It is controlling and manipulative with each focused on the others weakness, resulting in both becoming worse off emotionally.

See also: addiction, co-dependency, community, co-operation, control, cross, dependable, humility, independence, prayer, presumption, relationships, responsible/responsibility, rights, self-esteem, self-sufficiency, trust.