Defence of the Gospel
This is a reasoned statement or argument of the Christian faith, such as made by Paul (Gal 1:11-2:21). He was totally convinced of the truth of the gospel that frees from sin (Phil 1:7,16). We also are to be ready to “give a reason for the hope within” (1 Pet 3:15). Thus we need to personally be saved, and have a good grasp of the doctrine of salvation including what God did to save our souls, as well as what individually each person must do in order to be saved. Every believer has a testimony of what the Lord has done for them, while some have had a more dramatic transformation each truly born-again Christian has stepped from from the Kingdom of darkness into that of Jesus in whom we have redemption (Col 1:13,14).
I am not ashamed of the gospel – Romans 1:16
distorting the truth. The gospel is the power of God to salvation to all who believe (Rom 1:16). It does not need to be shielded, as if its potency was dependent upon our efforts of providing protection. We fool ourselves if we imagine that we are the mighty protectors of a vulnerable treasure. In reality, it is we who are weak and frail that needs to be empowered. It’s the truth of the gospel – the blood of Jesus that defends us.
See also: apologetics, testimony.