Deeper Life
There is so much more to experience in our relationship with God. Most of us have barely scratched the surface of the richness of relationship possible with Christ which will result in a greater manifestation of His power to minister His hope to hurting humanity. What degree of intimacy do I have with the King of kings? He wants a much closer involvement in our lives so He can reveal more of Himself to us. Refuse to settle for less than is your right as His child.
Self must decrease for Him to increase
out from the spiritual store within we will receive more, enabling us to sow and reap in increasing measure. We are not to horde for ourselves. The Dead Sea is so named because nothing lives in its extremely salty water; it only receives water but none flows out of it.
This deeper life is the result of a fully committed life and undivided heart (Ps 34:4-7, 86:11). God requires more of us than what we have given up till now. Many professing believers talk as if they know God, but their lives indicate a different picture, yet the truth is revealed by actions, not talk. It is questionable, if responding to an altar call without a change of life is a real conversion. The danger of the 'cheap gospel' that doesn't result in a lifestyle transformation is that many will be shut out of heaven because it was only a mental acknowledgement, not a heart decision with the altered the trajectory of their life (Mt 7:21-23). Many also don’t invite Him to guide them in their daily life yet the challenging words of Jesus are, "Why call me Lord, and don't do the things I say" (Ps 37:3,4; Prov 3:5,6; Lk 6:46).
The natural mind (of the unsaved) doesn’t comprehend any of the potential blessings reserved for them in Heaven, if they will turn to Jesus. However, the Holy Spirit searches out all things, even the deep things of God and makes them known to believers. As we gain an understanding of what our rightful inheritance is in Christ, we can aim for it (Ps 119:18; Jn 16:12-15; 1 Cor 2:9-12; Eph 1:18-22). There are many glorious riches in Christ that are available for us, if we search for them and pay the price to have them (Eph 3:14-21; Col 1:9-12).
Beyond the shallows is much more to be experienced
be to His voice and the Holy Spirit’s conviction of things that are not right in our lives. What once seemed to be OK, He will now draw to our notice to refine our spiritual character, so we walk in ever-closer relationship and spiritual freedom with more effectiveness for Him. Why be content to splash in the puddles when God wants you to swim in the ocean of His love? Instead of eating only crumbs that fall from the Masters table, feast on the abundance of life in Christ, not just for your own benefit but so you can share Him with others.
Rather than making the Word of God conform to our experience we should be ensuring our experience measures up to the Word. This requires a greater awareness and relationship with the Holy Spirit, a copious outpouring in excess of what was received at conversion and desired as an ongoing blessing from God to us then out to hurting humanity. The Bible speaks of continual infilling – a necessity to truly walk with God (Eph 5:18).
The ‘deeper life’ refers to a life in the Spirit significantly beyond that of the average believer today and nearer to that which was the NT norm. It is far more encompassing and richer than victory over sin, however vital that victory may be. It includes an heightened awareness of the indwelling Christ, of acute God-consciousness, rapturous worship, separation from the world, the joyous surrender of everything to God, the practice of the presence of God, and prayer without ceasing.
There will be a ready acceptance of the Bible as the one final authority, and a continual taking up of our cross which brings about the slow painful death to the self-life (Lk 9:23). All aspects of our lives are to come under the cross of Christ – our rights, reactions, desires and thoughts, everything being subject to the searchlight of the Holy Spirit. God will challenge us on all points, “Do you love me more than____” (Jn 21:15). He will require everything to be placed on the altar of surrender and sacrifice. Some things He will take, other things He will allow us to keep but even then they must be held in an ‘open hand’ not tightly grasped. God is indebted to no one; whatever sacrifice is made for His Kingdom will be abundantly rewarded (1 Sam 2:30).
He gave His all, to get all of me
an ongoing battle to die to self. Everything you hold dear, including what you believe is His call on your life will be tested. Sometimes it feels as if we are continually in the crucible being refined, yet the Bible states "we should no longer live for ourselves but for Him who died for us" (2 Cor 5:15). It is exposing ourselves to the dealings of God in the times of 'heart to heart' aloneness with Him, in total honesty and sensitivity ‘laying our life bare before the altar’ rather than the oft trivial, superficial and emotional response in corporate gatherings, as good and desirable as they may be.
It is vital to allow His Spirit to delve deep into the recesses of your heart, for we can be self-deceived (Rev 3:17). Have the heart attitude of, ‘Lord, I can only commit myself into your hands for your keeping and the outworking of your will and calling for my life’. Humbly position yourself before God, so He can work within and ultimately through you.
See also: altar, broken/brokenness, carnal, cheap gospel, commitment, connection, cross, dealings of God, dedicate, dependence, devotion, disciple/discipleship, hearing God’s voice, Holy Spirit, intimacy, Lord/Lordship, position in Christ, pursuing God, relationship, repentance, self, self-examination, Spirit filled, time with God.