

This is the protection and preservation of the earth’s resources that God has entrusted into our hands (Ps 115:16). David spoke of man being given dominion over various aspects of God's creation (Ps 8:6-8). Unfortunately, man has failed to act responsibly many times. We should wisely manage and use these natural assets without abusing or

We are to worship the creator (God), not the creation

wasting the limited supply. Be thankful for and value what is available for us to use and enjoy, endeavouring to keep pollution to a minimum.

God's instruction to Adam and Eve was to maintain (and utilize) what He had made, but not to worship it (Gen 2:15). While it is good to appreciate God’s magnificent creation it can become a substitute for God Himself, with creation worshipped instead of God who made it as is the case with many unbelievers today (Ex 20:3-6; Rom 1:25). An idol is what recieves more attention and devotion than God, who is the only one (or thing) that is to be worshipped (Mt 4:9,10). 

See also: earth, environment, idol/idolatry, nature, resources, stewardship, world, worship.