Bond, Bonding
<<connection, relationship>>
Work at cultivating wholesome relationships – they pay good dividends!
beyond the superficial friendship of servants and masters to the knitting of spirits, as with David and Jonathan (1 Sam 18:1,3; Jn 15:15,16). In such a meaningful relationship deepest thoughts, desires and feelings can be shared without the fear of being rejected by the other person. We all need strong connections to at least one other person, where both parties benefit without losing their individuality and identity. It is impossible to grow in isolation, through superficial relationships and without accountability.
Relationships must be entered into wisely, to avoid sinful bonding which includes illicit sexual relationships, impure thought patterns and wrong soul ties that have caused countless tragedies (Mt 5:27,28; 1 Cor 6:15,16). Thus, all bonding relationships need boundaries to protect the participants. Each party needs to commit to respecting those limits that guard against control and abuse. Be humble and open up to others as appropriate, while mindful this exposes our vulnerable, inner self to the possibility of being hurt or the relationship abused if there is not mutual sharing.
Sin separated humanity from God and alienates us from others while redemption restores those relationships, especially with God. Jesus was intimately connected with His Father and we can be to be reunited [bonded] with Christ, in vital union, as illustrated by the vine and branches (Jn 15:1-8, 17:21-23; 1 Cor 6:17). Remember He is the one “who sticks closer than a brother” (Prov 18: 24).
Godly love is the glue
should be stronger than anything that would seek to divide (Jn 15:9-13; 1 Cor 13:1-13; 1 Tim 5:1,2; 1 Pet 1:22). Thus conflicts and strained relationships should be resolved through the power of God's love to maintain unity and the bonding of the past. Troubles should bring us closer together as the estranged parties join forces against what would try to divide.
See also: abuse, bondage, boundaries, connection, friends/friendships, law of attraction, relationships, soul ties.