<<inability to see>>
This can be both a physical affliction and a spiritual condition.
Jesus referred to the religious leaders of His day as being spiritually blind because they were ignorant or blind to the truth (Mt 15:14, 23:16-26). They didn’t want to accept that Jesus was the Messiah; they knew about God but didn’t relate to Him. Their job should have been to point people to God but they were so engrossed in their faulty beliefs and understanding they completely missed what was so blatantly obvious, so they were ‘as blind leading the blind’. They stubbornly refused to accept the facts, neither comprehending nor admitting to their validity. Because of their continual refusal to ‘see’ and acknowledge, God ensured they stayed blind, like those whose hearts He hardens because of their continual rejection of the truth (Jn 12:37-40; Rom 1:18-21).
"I was blind but now I see" – John 9:25
Only Christ can remove the spiritual blindness enabling us to gain the true perspective so we are not floundering and stumbling around in confusion and bewilderment at the mercy of circumstances. Jesus said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will not walk in darkness, but have the light of life" (Jn 8:12).
Spiritual blindness is the condition of those who are outside the Kingdom of God, who in denial, arrogance or ignorance reject God and His
Word and the blessing that could be theirs through a relationship with Jesus Christ. Satan causes them to walk in spiritual darkness
unable to grasp the significance of sin, its penalty and the offer of forgiveness from Jesus
who did and still wants to open the eyes of the blind so people see their need of a Saviour and become Christians (Isa 61:1; Lk 4:18,
7:21; 2 Cor 4:4; 1 Jn 2:11).
Jesus referred to the so-called religious leaders of His day as, "the blind leading the blind" (Mt 15:14; Lk 6:39). They had
elevated their legalistic traditions to being equal with the commands of God in Scripture. Although displaying outward piety they lacked
true devotion to God in their hearts, and were blind to their spiritual emptiness. The point He was making is the foolishness of following
someone who can't see the way. We need to search out the Bible's truth for ourselves and ensure we
belong to a church that faithfully adheres to the Word of God and not follow blind guides who will lead us astray (Act 17:11).
May God grant us the ability to ‘see’ into the spirit realm and discern where Satan is endeavouring to make inroads into our lives and relationships, trying to keep us bound so he can steal, kill and destroy what is of God (Jn 10:10; Act 28:26; 2 Cor 2:11; Eph 4:27). As he attacks, we can specifically focus and resist him with the authority of Christ as we stand with our spiritual armour in place. What are the areas or targets that are most exposed and at risk in my life?
As we are ignorant and have blind spots in so many facets of life we need to expose ourselves to the truth through the illumination of the Bible and in accountability allow others to speak into our lives providing insight and maybe correction as they reveal to us the blemishes and failings in our lives. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand the Scriptures, “Open may eyes that I might see wonderful things in your Word” (Ps 119:18,105). If we are not growing our relationship with Christ, we have become blind to our divine calling and potential in Him (2 Pet 1:9; Rev 3:17). As we consider our life’s path, it requires honesty and humility to obediently walk in the light as it is revealed to us by regularly examining our hearts, routing out the sin that so quickly takes root (Prov 4:26; 2 Cor 3:14; 1 Jn 1:7). Although painful, as we address these areas of concern and character weaknesses they will become areas that reflect the character of God’s grace. The Bible states if a believer doesn't actively develop godly qualities in increasing measure they are near-sighted and blind, having forgotten that God has delivered them from the old life of sin so that now they can live a strong, good life for the Lord (2 Pet 1:9).
Much of our walk with God is acting purely on faith because we do not see the complete picture as He does. This can't be termed blind faith because of our knowledge of God's nature and character, the promises of Scripture and our experience of walking with Him. The Bible clearly states, "the righteous shall live by faith" (2 Cor 5:7; Gal 3:11; Heb 10:38). Rather than presumption or a leap of blind faith, it is using reason and logic knowing we have a trustworthy loving God watching over us as in obedience we follow through on what we believe He has told us to do.
See also: accountability, discernment, eyes, faith, insight, stumble/stumbling block, understanding.