
<<infertile, unfruitful>>

In biblical times being unable to have children was considered a cultural stigma, with childless women feeling this situation intensely (Prov 30:16;
Lk 1:24,25).

This was the experience of Sarah, the wife of Abraham who later bore Isaac (Gen 11:30, 21:2). Isaac’s wife Rebekah, then their daughter-in-law Rachel also had difficulty conceiving (Gen 25:21, 29:31, 30:22). The mother of Samson, Hannah the mother of Samuel the prophet, and Elizabeth the mother of John the Baptist are others who had this condition (Jdg 13:2,3; 1 Sam 1:6; Lk 1:7,36). In many of the above Bible examples, heartfelt prayers were made before there was divine intervention and subsequent conception resulting in children who were prominent in the purposes of God. If you are unable to have children of your own maybe you can adopt but certainly you can invest in the lives of other children especially in the spiritual sense (Isa 54:1; Gal 4:27).

Land and even our lives can be barren or unproductive, not fulfilling what they should and are capable of being. Address the issues that hinder fruitfulness in the work of the Lord (2 Kgs 2:19-22; Mk 4:19; 2 Pet 1:8). As Satan doesn’t want us to bring forth what is

Am I producing spiritual children?

harmful to his goals, it will require a concerted breakthrough in the spiritual realm to bring to ‘birth’ what is significant for the Kingdom of God. So if an area of your life is not producing as you believe it should, do not settle for less than you are capable of, instead passionately pursue God and be like Paul who said, "I press on to take hold of that for which Christ took hold of me. I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it...I press on towards the goal" (Phil 3:12-14).

See also: conception, fruit, infertility.