
<<accessible, offered>>

Make yourself available to God for whatever He chooses. It is responding to the divine question, “Who will go for us?” with “Here I am, send me” that is important (Isa 6:8). Making ourselves ready for His use must be followed by obedience to His direction to be of any value.

Our responsibility is to give all we have, are and hope to be unreservedly for His service, leaving Him to choose our specific function or assignment in the body of Christ (1 Cor 12:11,18). As the potter, He has the right to fashion us into whatever He desires (Isa 64:8; Jer 18:4).

This voluntary laying our life on the altar as a living sacrifice with no strings or conditions attached is part of making Him Lord and loving Him with all our being because He gave Himself totally for us on the cross (Mk 12:30). It involves surrendering our rights. We will not know the details or how it will work out but the Bible is clear, those that honour God, He will honour, making up eternally what has been given up for His sake (1 Sam 2:30; Mt 16:25; Mk 10:29,30).

If we make ourselves fully available to God, He will provide the necessary ability. He wants channels or vessels through which He can manifest Himself to lost humanity. Whatever the calling or assignment it will be working for the Kingdom of God in some role to bring in the harvest of souls. Have I thought through the issue and surrendered myself

To be used by God, put yourself unreservedly at His disposal

to Him, being available for whatever He requires?  Jesus requires total dedication to the assignment, not halfhearted commitment from us because we are distracted or are reconsidering the pledge we have made (Lk 9:62). The attitude of our hearts should be “Not my will but yours be done…I have come to do your will, O God” (Ps 40:6-8; Mt 26:39; Heb 10:7).

When all the Jewish nation was about to be annihilated it was said to Queen Esther, “Who knows but that God has brought you into the palace for such a time as this?” (Est 4:14). She didn’t try to protect herself, instead seized the opportunity and placed her life on the line not knowing what the outcome would be. Mary said, “I am the Lord’s servant. Be it unto me as you have said” (Lk 1:38).

See also: ability, altar, call/calling, channel, commitment, dedicate, Lord/Lordship, ministry, surrender, volunteer.