<<supporter, backer>>
Thank Jesus for the power of His blood that cleanses when you own up to sin
(1 Jn 2:1). So if we sin, then repent and confess it, Christ speaks in our defense before the Father, presenting His sacrifice as sufficient to redeem sinners from eternal death (Rom 6:23; 2 Cor 5:21; 1 Jn 1:9). He took our place and paid the debt for our crimes [sin] so although guilty, because we are ‘in Christ’, the Father no longer sees our imperfections, He sees the righteousness of His Son and so forgives us; because we are "in Christ" no further punishment is necessary (Jn 1:12; Rom 4:25; Eph 2:13; Heb 8:12).
The Holy Spirit is also termed The Advocate, who comes to help, comfort and strengthen us to resist future temptation as, in repentance, we seek to change our behaviour (Jn 14:16,17,26). It should be noted that Jesus lived on earth experiencing temptation, rejection and abuse as we do, yet without succumbing to those evils so He is able to represent us before the Father having a clear understanding and just a theoretical appreciation (Heb 2:18, 4:15).
behalf as seriously as Paul did (Col 1:9, 4:12)?
See also: confession, Holy Spirit, intercession, repentance.