
<<second son of Adam and Eve>> 

From his flock of sheep, Abel presented to God an offering that was accepted. Cain, his older brother presented a gift of farm produce, but God did not accept it and in anger, he murdered his brother, Abel (Gen 4:1-8). Abel was the first person to die. God does not have favourites so we can only presume Cain’s offering was not up His standard; maybe because no blood was involved (as OT sin sacrifices that were later introduced involved an animal forfeiting it’s life). Perhaps his lifestyle was bad or was it because it was a second-class sacrifice, any produce, not the best of his crops? (Lev 17:10-14; 1 Jn 3:12).  

His story is recorded in Genesis 4:1-8. It is reckoned he lived about 4000 B.C.

Lessons from his life. * Abel was a righteous man, doing as God requested (Heb 11:4). God sees the motives and intentions of our hearts. If we want His blessing we must do what He has said, and do it His way. Can it be said of me, ‘there is a righteous person’ or do I go about things my way expecting God to overlook my lack of devotion? The influence and memory of a person’s life carries on a long time after their passing from this life. What will my life be remembered for?

* Abel was the innocent victim of another’s uncontrolled emotions. Abel’s lifestyle was not at fault or questionable. Rather, he was the object of Cain’s jealousy. How do we react to those who show ill will towards us because of their wrong motives and values?  Our actions should be honourable at all times. “If you suffer for doing good and endure it, this is commendable before God” (1 Pet 2:20, 3:14). “Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with a blessing…so that you may be blessed” (1 Pet 3:9). Is this my typical response to unfair or unwarranted treatment?

See also: Cain, offering and sacrifice, victim.