
<<forsaken, neglected>>

We sometimes feel or seem abandoned and forsaken by our friends because they are busy, have entered into another relationship, have a new interest, or because we did something that offended them (if we have hurt another we should ask their forgiveness). When isolated from your loved ones don’t be tempted to seek comfort from means which are not right or sink into self-pity but rather reach out and offer friendship to others. The message from the Lord to His servant Joshua when facing a huge challenge was, “I will never leave you or forsake you” (Deut 31:6; Josh 1:5). God has no favourites, so if we are His child and walk faithfully with Him, that promise holds true for us too (Heb 13:5). Endeavour to meet lifes' obstacles with vibrant hope and faith in Christ, being confident He’s with you as He was with Joshua. “I haven't seen the righteous forsaken” was the testimony of David (Ps 37:25).  When we suffer, we must not assume that God has abandoned us, but positively claim God is walking with us (Ps 23:4). He allows us to be tempted so we will seek Him and become better people (Job 23:10). Paul was convinced that nothing can separate us from God’s love for He has put His Spirit within, however when a person completely rejects the faith (apostasy), God’s Spirit will withdraw and they will not be permitted into heaven (2 Chr 15:2; Rom 8:38,39; Heb 10:26,27). When we feel abandoned by God it is because our sin has erected a barrier and He seems far away although because of our guilt we are the ones who move away from the holy God (Isa 59:2). Confession of sin is essential to regain that vital closeness of relationship (Ps 32:1-6, 51:1-17).

On the cross, Jesus called out to God “Why have you forsaken me?” (Mt 27:46).  Jesus, our substitute, was bearing the vileness of our sin, felt temporarily separated from God and the closeness of a relationship with His Father He had always known.

Abandonment is not always a negative action. We may leave the mediocrity in favour of excellence and success. Have the motivation to move from past limitations to growth and progress. We are to abandon sin in all it's numerous destructive temptations and everything that is contrary to love. We should give ourselves completely to Christ; giving

     I will never leave or forsake you         – Jesus

our all for Him who gave His all for us. All other gods and things we rely on will disappoint and fail. His blood is the only means by which we are saved from a lost eternity. Paul turned his back on all his accomplishments and gave himself completely to Christ and the divine call on his life (Phil 3:8-14).  

When excluded from a group there is the strong temptation to compromise your convictions to fit in with the crowd and be accepted. Don’t yield to this pressure. “God is searching for those who are fully committed to Him – He will strengthen them” (2 Chr 16:9).

See also: alone, anguish, apostasy, forsake, give-up, isolation, loneliness, rejection, self-pity, separate.